A lot of people have asked me through LINE about for what they should prepare, which equipment they should look for before buying Black Diamond rays and whether it is complicated if they want to raise them.
Based on more than 7 years of my experience, I guaranteed that raising Black Diamond rays was so easy. There is no special and complicated equipment. Inexperienced people can easily start keeping them. Also, there is not much equipment to be prepared.
1. Fish tanks and filters
Of course, to raise a ray, you need a fish tank. For the size, I suggest it shouldn’t be smaller than 60×30 inches, and it will be better if the tank is bigger than my recommendation because the length of a fully-grown Black Diamond ray is at 18-24 inches. If the tank size is smaller than what I suggest, you need to change it after a year due to the fish’s growth.
For the filters, there are biological filters, such as volcanic rocks, corals and others, which can help eliminate wastes in the fish tank. You can choose whatever you want because, in my opinion, it is just the helper. I see that siphoning water regularly is more important than buying expensive filters because they can’t change waste water in the tank to be clean 100%. If so, we could bring them to use in the wastewater treatment for the households, couldn’t we? So, I think usually siphoning water is better for the fish.
2. Chorine-removed filters
After you have a fish tank, you need water to fill in, don’t you? I have to say that tap water is a good choice, but the problem is the waterworks authority sometimes puts the inconstant amount of chlorine to the water. On one fine day, if the chlorine is put too much, the tap water may be harm for the fish, and it can make them die. For the sake of our lovely fishes, I think we shouldn’t take a risk at this, so the chlorine-removed filler is one of the necessary supplies I suggest to have at home.
Some people may think that they already have a big water tank at home, and that is sufficient for removing some chlorine from the water. It’s somewhat right, but we never know whether the water inside the tank has been there for a long time or has just been added. Moreover, our family members always use the water in the tank for housework, such as dishwashing, taking a shower, clothes washing, or watering plants, so we don’t know it exactly.
I think safety first is the best. It’s not bad to invest in the chlorine-removed filter. Buying the hundreds-baht filter is fine. That’s safe enough for our fish’s life. I think it’s so worthwhile.
3. Air pump with inside battery
An air pump is equipment for oxygenating water as we see bubbles in water all the time in the fish tank. The appropriate amount of dissolved oxygen in water can make a Black Diamond ray breathe more conveniently and happily live in the tank.
But what’s cooler is an air pump with inside battery which is what I want to recommend for all of you to have at your home. In case of the power outages, this kind of the air pump can still work for many hours until the power is back.
How do you think?
Actually, raising a ray isn’t that complicated. It’s almost the same as raising other types of fish. You just need a fish tank filled with chlorine-free water and an air pump with inside battery. It looks easy, doesn’t it?
Last but not least,
Although all equipment doesn’t be completely prepared, I always suggest my customers find favorite fish before anything else.
It’s because Black Diamond rays have their own unique skin patterns, so they might be picked before your turn. For fish tanks and other above-mentioned elements, you can buy them anytime, and you still get the same standards as well as styles. Thus, buying your fish first is definitely better.
That’s why my farm provides a fish-boarding service to the customers for one month! So, you won’t miss to see beautiful and satisfying Black Diamond babies. After getting them, it’s not too late for you to prepare all aquarium equipment. And this is one of the stories of my favorite and money-made hobby.
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